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Egg Floatation
(a science fair project)
Buoyancy related
science projects are often based on the real application of this science.
This experiment shows how you can make an egg to sink, float
or submerge.
Volcano Model
Learning about
volcanoes is more
fun when you make
a model that erupts.
Making and testing a
volcano model makes a good science fair project in
earth science.
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members who have supported and funded this website
in the past.
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member only if you want to contribute to the further
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of $10 or more.
It is always important for
students, parents and teachers to know a good source for science
related equipment and supplies they need for their science
activities. Please note that many online stores for science
supplies are managed by MiniScience.
Although most of the experiments in this web-site are regarded as low
author and publisher expressly disclaims all liability for any occurrence,
including, but
not limited to, damage, injury or death which might arise as consequences of
the use of any experiment(s) listed or described here. Therefore, you assume
all the
liability and use these experiments at your own risk!