menu in the left has divided our science project guides into
two groups of custom Projects and Sponsored projects.
Custom projects:
Each project guide in this category contain an introduction
to the project plus suggestions for defining variables,
hypothesis, experiments and etc. If you select your main
project from this category, you can also benefit additional
support by an expert project advisor who can answer your
related questions. There are more than 500 projects in this
Sponsored projects:
Sponsored projects are project guides for some of the best
science project ideas that have proven success in the past.
Each project guide in this category contains all the
necessary information you may need to start and complete a
project. No project advisors are available for the projects
in this category. There are more than 12 projects in
this category. |
This website is maintained by ScienceProject Corp.
1059 Main Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07011 • PH (973) 773-7355
It is always important for
students, parents and teachers to know a good source for science
related equipment and supplies they need for their science
activities. Please note that many online stores for science
supplies are managed by MiniScience. |
10 Best Science Project Ideas
Best Science Project ideas recommended for 2008-2009 school year
A group of project
advisors at ScienceProject.com identified the 10 best science
projects for the school year 2005-2006. Not surprisingly, most
of these projects are related to energy, environment and
health. Selections are based on the educational value,
attractiveness, versatility and availability of materials and
equipment or kits. The 10 best projects are listed below:
Air Battery/ Saltwater
In this project you will experiment
making electricity using a revolutionary method. You may call this air
battery because it uses the oxygen from the air. You may also call it
salt water battery because it uses a solution of salt water as electrolyte.
The electricity you produce can be
high enough to light up a light bulb. You can extend the power by
adding oxygen. |
You can also perform
experiments to see how does the amount of salt, the amount of oxygen,
or the size of electrodes affect the amount of electricity or the
battery life. Write your results in a table and use them to draw a
graph. Recommended for ages 11 to 18. This is an experimental (investigatory)
project. [See More Details]

Wooden Generator
In this project you will experiment
making electricity by spinning a magnet inside a wire coil. This is
the principle of electric generators. Make all parts using wood; only
the magnet and wire will be non-wooden material.
The electricity you produce can be
high enough to light up a light bulb; however, it will just flicker if
you spin the magnet by hand. |
You can also
perform experiments to see how does the number of wire loops or the
diameter of wire affect the amount of electricity it produces. This is
an experimental (investigatory) project. Recommended for ages 13 to
18.[See More Details]

Fruit Battery
(Make Electricity From Fruits)
Even fruits can make electricity and
if you be lucky, you may even get enough electricity to light up a
light bulb. The electricity produced by fruits can easily be measured
using a multi-meter. In this project you compare different fruits for
the amount of electricity they can produce. Find out if sour taste and
acidity of fruits can contribute to the production of
This project is a safe version of
other battery projects that use corrosive chemicals. |
electricity from fruits is important because it also indicates the
concentration of minerals available in fruits. You can also use this
method to compare the quality of different potatoes or different
oranges. This is an experimental (investigatory) project.
Recommended for ages 10 to 16. [See
More Details]

Make a DNA Model
DNA is a nucleic acid that contains
the genetic instructions specifying the biological development of all
cellular forms of life. By changing parts of DNA, scientists are able
to produce plants, animals and other live organisms with new properties
and abilities. Genetically modified crops and genetically modified
fruits are widely known and used.
For students who like biology and
want to understand the structure of DNA, making a DNA model can be an
exiting display project with special learning benefits. |
A model can
simply be made using foam balls. This can be a complete display
project or an addition to any DNA related project. [See
More Details]

Starch test kit
Starch test has been the most
versatile science project in the past few years. Students can modify
it and make totally new projects that are all based on starch test.
Some variations of starch test program are:
- Test apple maturity.
- The effect of sunlight on
production of starch on plants.
- Effect of enzymes on starch
In a basic
starch test project you test different
foods, fruits or products for presence of starch. Find out how widely
the starch is used in different industries. You may expand the starch
test topic to many new project ideas. For example you may research the
effect of sunlight in production of starch or the effect of enzymes on
starch. Determination
of starch in foods is important due to dietary concerns of many people
who are on a low starch/ low sugar diet. This is an experimental (investigatory)
Recommended for ages 10 to 16. [See
More Details]

Air propulsion
Motor Boats
(Simple Electric
Combine the joy and
excitement of mechanical toys with your science project
by constructing an air propelled motor boat. This is
also a good way of learning about simple electric
circuits. Your boat will have a battery, a switch and a
motor with propeller. This can be used as a science
project related to electricity, force or floatation.
This idea is good for a display project, an engineering
project and an experimental (investigatory) project. |
Finally you can make a vehicle
that can drive both on land and in water. To do that simply
attach the wheels to the sides of the boat.
With your kit you may also
receive four sheaves that may be used as wheels. Sheaves are
almost like the ring in a bicycle; they are just missing the
tiers. Students often use sheaves to make pulleys as a part of a
simple machine project. |
Gauss Rifle |
The Gauss Rifle also known as the
Gaussian gun is a very simple experiment that uses a magnetic chain
reaction to launch a steel marble at a target at high speed. This
educational and amusing project is very simple to build (it only
takes a few minutes), is is very simple to understand and explain,
and yet fascinating to watch and to use. |
When the gauss rifle fires, it
will happen too fast to see. The ball on the right will shoot away
from the gun, and hit the target with considerable force. Our one
foot long version is designed so the speed is not enough to hurt
someone, and you can use your hand or foot as a target. |
Solar Car
MiniScience's Solar Racer
activity introduces students to alternative energy concepts
while incorporating problem solving, design and modeling. In
addition, students will experience using hand tools as they
construct their solar vehicle.
Students can explore:
- Propulsion types and
drive concepts
- Basic soldering
techniques and electronic concepts
- Alternative energies
like solar power
The federal government has
encouraged alternative forms of transportation due to a limited
supply of oil and increasing environmental pollution. Solar cars are
just one of many transportation concepts emerging. Solar cars use
solar cell panels instead of gasoline as the fuel. As a result,
exhaust fumes and oil consumption are eliminated.
The solar cell panel generates an
electrical charge that is stored in a battery and used to provide
energy as the vehicle is driven. The lighter the vehicle, the less
energy used and the farther the vehicle will travel. In cloudy days,
or at night, energy can be drawn from reserve batteries. In the
future, charge stations will be located on the road sides for quick
battery charging.
Pulley Motor
Design ideas
This page
provides some pictures and ideas on how a pulley motor car
may be constructed. It is not meant to serve as a
step-by-step recipe or assembly instructions. You may use
these ideas to complete your own design and construct your
own model of pulley motor car. Some pictures may show parts
that are different in shape, size or color from what you may
have in your kit.
Pulley motor car is an electric car
using pulleys to transfer the mechanical energy from the motor to
the wheels. MiniScience's Pulley Car activity introduces students to
compound machines and simple machines including pulley, wheel and
axle while incorporating problem solving, mechanical design and
modeling. In addition, students will experience using hand tools as
they construct their Pulley Motor Car. |
An electromagnet is by far the
most important electrical structure that exists in almost all
electronic devices. Most of today's Radios, televisions, door
bells, telephones, telegraphs and computers could not exist
without electromagnets. |
In an
electromagnet project, you may make some of the simple devices
that use electromagnet; however the most important electromagnet
projects study the strength of electromagnet. There is an electromagnet
kit available at MiniScience.com; however, many students may
just purchase the magnet
wire (27 AWG) and find other material (nail, battery,..) at
Four other projects in
this group are:
For a complete list of
projects, visit ScienceProject.com.
word “science“ comes from a Latin word scientica,
which means knowledge.
Its present use is for systematic and exact knowledge.
Need a good
science project for an upcoming Science Fair?
You have come to the right place!
A Science Fair can be a very exciting, stimulating, and
stressful event. In order
to save you some stress and anxiousness at your next Science Fair, we
provide step-by-step instructions on the Science Fair Project process.
ScienceProject.com is the world’s largest website for science
fair project ideas, information and support.
This is a great site to help students get started and run a
science fair project. If you need some hints on what makes a really great science
fair project, follow the tips
provided here first. Our website has
the resources, information, and expert help you will need in order to
have one of the best science projects at your next Science Fair.
Before you start a project, you should study and understand how
to do a science fair project .
After making your selection on the topic of choice for your
project, you must identify variables, write a hypothesis, design your
experiment, conclude experiment results, and write a summary.
Follow this guide on how to do a science fair project.
Once a member of ScienceProject.com, you will have access to
many resources that will be very useful to you for you Science Fair.
Expert advice and information on such topics as: What are
dependent and independent variables? ; How to do analysis and
discussion; how to write an abstract; how to make a display board for
the Science Fair; and how to write a science report, are a few
examples of the benefits of being a ScienceProject member.
You will even have the advantage of choosing projects from an
extended list that contains a variety of wonderful science projects! |
of the web in Science, for students and teachers
for a project
www.ScienceProject.com |
www.MiniScience.com |
ScienceProject.com is where
you can get support and more details for your project. |
MiniScience.com is
where you can find science kits and material for all of your
projects or just get an idea for a science fair project. |
page contains about 600 project idea that can be used by students
of all ages.
Enjoy it and have fun. |
Primary Projects
Elementary Projects
Intermediate Projects
Senior Projects (Biology,
Engineering, Physical Science,
Science / Meteorology, Environmental
Science, Computer Science, Chemistry) |
Primary Projects
(Grades 1 - 4)
The following are display type projects suitable for beginners.
Students should be encouraged to make personal observations rather
than taking material out of a book or magazine.
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Go To Top |
(Grades 4 - 6)
Included are sample topics for making models or conducting demonstrations.
These should be level 3 projects. Some personal input is needed
to avoid just a display project. 11.
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Go To Top
(Grades 7 - 8)
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Color- account for differences in color at different times
and Clouds- what are the common wind patterns in your area and why? Is
cloud formation related to height, weather systems and temperature?
Study and record how clouds relate to weather patterns.
wind travel at same speeds and in same directions at different heights?
which effects the rate of evaporation most- temperature, humidity, wind
speed or other factors?
Retention- does fresh water hold heat longer than salt water? How does
water compare to land and what effect does this have on the weather?
What factors affect the cooling of land?
how do different surfaces affect the amount of sunlight reflected and
absorbed? Design a method of measuring how much sunshine is available
each day.
records- Design and build an automatic recording weather device. Test it
over a period of time.
reactions that produce energy or that require energy
of consumer products- glues, stain removers, antiseptics, mouthwash,
detergents, paper towels
the PH levels in mouths of various animals and humans at different times
in the day
the surface tension of various liquids
with chemical spills from industry
of salt and other contaminants on rate of rusting
crystals- factors that affect the rate and the size
you obtain water from ink, vinegar, milk?
soil samples for their components, ability to hold moisture, fertility
and PH
the amount of particle pollution vary with distance from a road, with
location, with height. Determine types of particles found in pollution
do acids react with different metals under varying conditions
different metals by the color of flame when they burn
you devise an experiment that will list metals in order of their
activity, from the most potassium to the least active ore gold
the principles, how different metals can be used and the practical
to make PH indicator using cabbage?
Yogurt is made? Is it a chemical or biochemical reaction?
of temperature on viscosity of oil
salt water potable, removal of pollutants
- factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis (temperature, light
intensity, water, carbon dioxide)
- part of light spectrum used in photosynthesis
studies on inheritance
Studies - connections between hair and eye color
the effects of various nutrients on plant growth
does the amount of water affect plant growth?
does the hours of sunlight affect the plant growth?
does the strength of weed killer affect the plant growth?
does PH level affect the plant growth?
plants live without Carbon Dioxide?
- how do different types of soils affect the ability of roots to anchor
conditions are favorable for: -fungus growth- E.G. yeast, mold, mildew
diseases ?
conditions are favorable for: bacteria growth or control?
Go To Top |
Senior Biology
Projects (Grades 9 - 12)
Support and more details on
these projects is available at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
The effect of sound on plants
Plants in different environments (light intensity, color)
The effect of nicotine, air, yeast on mold growth
Factors affecting the strength of hair, the growth of bacteria, molds or
Experiment with Hydroponics
Use seedlings started from seed with three types of soil and
>different rates of fertilizer
The effectiveness of Antiseptics and soaps on household bacteria
The effect of air pollution on algae, protozoa, fish, insects
or mosses and lichens
Comparing types of artificial light on plant growth
Conditions necessary for the life of a brine shrimp
The commercial uses of algae methods of production
Producing mutations in bacteria, yeast, protozoa or molds
Best conditions for mushroom production, growth of ferns
The effects of ultrasonic antibiotics temperature changes on
bacteria count
Microbial antagonism
Reaction of paramecia, planaria to pH, light and temperature
Plant tropisms and growth hormones
Transpiration rates for different plants and conditions
Sugar level in plant sap at different times and dates
Using radioisotopes to study uptake of plant nutrients
A study of territoriality in mice
A study of the cleaning habits of mice
Observation of conditioned responses in different animals
A study of animal phosphorescence and other biolumincescences
Learning and perception in animals and humans
Studies of memory span and memory retention
Age versus learning ability
A study of the relation between physical exercise and learning
Is audio or visual information better remembered
The effect of bleaching and dyeing on hair
A study of the percentage of DNA (by weight) in different species
Factors affecting the enzyme's reaction rates
Genetic variations across a Sansevieria leaf
Factors affecting seed germination (e.g. soil temperature, pH)
Root formation in cuttings versus lighting conditions
Factors affecting flowering
Study of sterility in plant hybrids (F1 and F2)
Comparison of different plant's ability to add humus to the soil
Factors affecting Nodule Formation in Legumes
Can household compounds (e.g. tea) be used to promote good health
in plants
Effects of cigarette smoke on the growth of plants
The effects of water impurities on plant growth
The effects of phosphates on aquatic plants
Effect of mineral deficiencies on protein content in soybeans
The effect of excess salinity on plants
A study of the tumors produced in plants by agrobacterium tumifacieus
The effect of polarized light on plant growth directica
The effects of solar activity on plant growth
Tracing solar activity cycles in tree growth rings
The effects of electric fields on plants
The effects of magnetic fields on plant growth
Effects of magnetism on the size and frequency of blooms and
Does magnetizing seeds before planting affect growth
The effects of XRay and other radiation on plants
The effect of music of varying types and duration on plants
Organic fertilizer versus chemical Fertilizer
Study of population fluctuations in insects
A study of toxicity of insecticides versus temperature
Is polarizes light the guidance system for Foraging ants
A study of stimuli that attract mosquitoes
The factors affecting the rate at which a cricket chirps
Study of insect of animal behavior versus population density
A study of diffusion through cell membranes
Growth of plant and animal cells by cloning
Regeneration in sponges, Paramecia, Planaria, etc.
Manipulation of Vegetative reproduction in plants
Search for near vacuum environment tolerant plants. Go
To Top |
Senior Engineering
Projects (Grades 9 - 12)
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Design considerations for "Solar Heated" homes
Design considerations for "Solar-Cell" powered homes
A study of propeller designs for wind generators
Production of electrical energy from mechanical sources
Study of efficient home insulation
Comparing Insulative Properties of various natural and commercial
The effect of landscaping and architecture on energy consumption
Efficiency studies on transformers
The effect of temperature on resistance
Study of formation of images on a T.V tube
Efficiency studies of L.E.D.'s (light emitting diodes)
L.E.D illumination versus incandescent illumination in practice
Voice communication with infrared light and fibre optics
Find the maximum speed in fibre optic links
Study of various phosphors in fluorescent lighting
Structure versus strength in dams
Testing and comparing consumer products Go
To Top |
Senior Physical
Science Projects (Grades 9 - 12)
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Study of accuracy of calculators
The mathematics of snowflakes
Observational orbit determination of comets, meteors or other
minor planets
The effect of solar activity on radio propagation
Observations of sunspots, flares and prominences
A study of solar flares through the sudden enhancement of atmospherics
The identification of elements in the solar and stellar spectra
Experimental exploration of the photoelectric effect
Experimenting with electron diffraction
Observations of magnetic permeability of different materials
Comparing magnetic pysteresis for different material
A study of radiation patterns from different antenna types
Factors affecting scent propagation
Factors affecting sound propagation
Factors affecting sound dampening
Index of refraction of liquids versus temperature
Index of refraction of liquids versus amount of additive
A study of infrared qualities of certain solutions
Crystal growth rates versus solution strengths, temperature,
Observation of freezing rates of water for different starting
Reproduce the stanley miller experiments "The Origin of
Find the optimal gas mixture for a stanley miller experiment
Experimenting with various separation techniques (e.g. electrophoresis)
A study of catalyzed reactions
A study of saponification reactions
A study of esterification reactions
The physics of ski waves Go To Top |
Senior Earth Science/Meteorology Projects
(Grades 9 - 12)
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Observations of experimentally induced seismic waves
Is there a relation between sunspot cycles and earthquakes
Observations of geomorphic factors in the local areas
Tracing glacial till fragments to local rock outdrops
Exploring methods of controlling erosion
Fossil studies in limestone and other rocks
A study of phosphorescence as a tool for geologists
Comparison of the load bearing strength for different soils
Observations of fluctuations in stream flow following rain
Study of air tides: phases of the moon versus barometric pressure
Effects of weather on human emotions
Changes in snow density and other characteristics with time
The factors affecting ice patterns on glass
Study of the relation between wind direction and temperature
A study of small scale wind currents around buildings
Observations of local anomalies in the earth's magnetic field
Go To Top |
Senior Environmental Science Projects (Grades
9 - 12)
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
The study of flora in a given region
Observations of urban wildlife
Study of adaptations of city flora to smog
An ecological study of the animal and plant populations occupying
the same tree
The effects of crowding (with the same or other species) on a
certain plant
Annual variations in the ecology of a body of water
A study of a shoreline
Observations of the spread of Dutch Elm disease
A study of the relation between soil type and vegetation
A study of the relation between vegetation and insects
Monitoring the changes in wildlife caused by human encroachment
The study of the impact of pollution on an ecosystem
A study of water pollution from feed lot farms
Tracing chemical(e.g. DDT) concentrations in successive food
chain levels
Ozone destruction experiments
A study of air purification methods
Efficient methods of breaking down crude oil in seawater
Experimenting with microbial degradation of petroleum
Experimenting with biodegradability
Finding efficient methods of harvesting and using plankton
Find and ink that would decompose for recycling paper Go To Top |
Senior Computer Science Projects (Grades 9
- 12)
Support and more details on these projects is available
at www.ScienceProject.com
Some of the projects are available as a Science Project Kit
at www.MiniScience.com
Studies of storage/retrieval techniques for computer systems
Handling of data transfer between 1/0 devices
Data manipulation and information management techniques and procedures
Applications in education using the computer as an education
Compiler design
Statistics and random number problems
Simulation of non science areas e.g. history, life or other planets
A programmable processing unit design, function and operation
Developing a video game
Pascal programming tools
Developing a program to write a new custom program
Use of computers in managing industrial processes
Using computers to help people do what they want to do
Can computers add large numbers (about 50 digits numbers)? How?
Can you place eight queens on an 8 X 8 chessboard such that no
two queens kill each other? |
Electrolysis of Potassium Iodide Go To
Top |
This website is maintained by ScienceProject
1059 Main Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07011
(973) 773-7355
Although most of the experiments in this web-site are regarded as low
author and publisher expressly disclaims all liability for any occurrence,
including, but
not limited to, damage, injury or death which might arise as consequences of
the use of any experiment(s) listed or described here. Therefore, you assume
all the
liability and use these experiments at your own risk!